Thursday, February 11, 2010

Insomina night

I never have this problem for a past few months but now is coming back again. Now, is 3.22am. I am still staring at my monitor screen & writing blog.

Is it due to a presentation which i need to do today morning? When i received a call from my boss on regards to this, i was a bit worried. Not becos of not knowing my work but is the fact that my new big boss & lots of others will be involve. I scared i will tongue tied when i start to present. Understand from my colleague that my new big boss is a questionnaire lady which expect u to know everything u do at yr fingertips. A lot of people assure me that i will do a gd job while others are afraid that i will be unable to handle the questionnaire.

Cos the work that i do is not everyone could take a glance at it & understand straight away. Sad to say this is apparently not what i suppose to take but in the end it has become my baby. I actually did not really understand much until 1 yr plus of doing & understanding.

Have not been doing presentation for 3 yrss. In order to prepare myself for the worse, i went to look for my ex boss which has been transferred out to understand more just in case. Knocked off at nearly 11pm to get a better rest in order to have a clearer & better mind for tomorrow. But i am still unable to get to sleep. Ex boss told me to try my best to answer but if i really got things unable to explain & gotten arrow on it just endure!!

Whenever i close my eyes, my brain will start to think of the presentation tomorrow. I not really sure is it becos i am over worried or stress over this. I hope after finished up this, i will be able to meet zhou gong...

Tomorrow, will determine if it will be victory win or condemning for me. I am going to try to have a rest now. hopefully i am able to keep y mind clear from everything

Hope my presentation will run smoothly as planned cos this will affect how people reflect of me & future job staking..

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lost of a lunch kakis~

One of my lunch kakis told me that she has tendered her resignation letter today. I have known this all along but is still a bit to sad to know she is leaving us.

I am happy & envious that she is moving out for a better prospect. This keep me prompting me when miracles will happen to me? Getting an offer of job at this economy time is not easy. Hopefully, god will lead me by creating a path or a hint to me?

In the meantime, i am sad abt it cos i will be losing a nice kakis soon. I will no longer be able to find someone like her to squabble with me, angry with me, giving me opinion & advices. No one to gossip, sharing my anger etc...

She may looked a bit xiao nu ren but then she is always being there to comment with a open heart. Oh gosh! I think i will miss you deeply esp. yr auntie nagging which i am still be able to hear from u for only a mth =(

Gal, you know who you are. I wish you all the best endeavours for your new job. Do not forget us when u leave. Stay in contact through sms & msn. Keep us update!!

Lastly, remember to pray for us for better luck & miracles. Cos we need that a lot!!!! =p

Monday, February 8, 2010

A day office offsite

Monday. Is a day when i will feel blues always due to over outside activities esp. with CNY ard the corner over the weekend. Apparently, i do not feel it in this way today. WHY?? Normally, i will be at my office typing away but not today cos i am out of office for off site @ Orchid Country Club for my dept team building after 1 mth reorg.

Whole day session was mostly games & food. Games are more of an interaction & ice breaking session with my new fellow team mates & bosses. Enjoyed most of it since i am dealing with people but not figures which i am a bit sick of it. You get to see people who are gentlemen, shy, introvert, friendly & also split personality. Things still went on smoothly although i am in the same team as my VP. It's kind of gd experience for me to know more of the other fellow colleagues from other section.

As for the food, summarize as below:

Breakfast: Soon kwek serving with coffee & tea.
Morning tea break: Soon kwek, samosa serving with coffee, tea & plain water (hot & cold)
Lunch: Buffet ( Understand from my colleague that the soup taste bland which was then replaced to mushroom soup & honeydew sago tasting a bit weird due to the coconut.) Overall, food was bad.
Afternoon tea break: Sandwiches, spring roll serving with coffee & tea.

The best part of all is that we get to go home early at 5pm instead of usual knock off time.

Just hoping the interaction will pull us in & communicate better for the sake of the future work. =)